Asia Education Leader 2023 Winter Course Pre-Study Series: Session 2
On November 25, we were delighted to invite Prof. Xuefeng Qiao, Associate Professor at the School of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University, to the second session of the Asia Education Leader 2023 Winter Course Pre-study Series. Prof. Qiao provided a lecture entitled the Mechanism of the Policy-driven Rotation of County Teacher in China: From the Perspective of Complex System Analysis. Sixteen students from AELC partner universities joined today's session. After Prof. Qiao's talk, students were divided into five groups to share their idea and insights on the topic of "Could you use the perspective of complex system analysis to analyze educational such as teacher rotation policy in your society? "It was an inspiring event for all participants to enrich our understanding of Chinese teacher rotation policies' implementation from a practical perspective of complex system analysis and educational fairness promotion in China.
Thank you very much for your participation!
We look forward to having you join the next pre-study session on December 9!