Asia Education Leader Course 2024 Summer Course was successfully hosted by Tohoku University (Aug. 18-30, 2024)
From August 18 to August 30, 2024, the AEL 2024 Summer Course was successfully hosted by the Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University. Tohoku University provided three main subjects for this summer course, with special collaboration from Prof. Jung-Cheng Chen, Associate Dean and Professor of the College of Education at National Chengchi University, who provided an additional A-P subject. The subjects included the A-P subject (Reimagining Sustainability, Glocalization and Education in the Asia-Pacific Region), the K-P subject (Cognitive Science of Human Communication), the S-P subject (Mental Health and Telepsychology), and an additional A-P subject (Right to Education). Fifty-four students from AEL partner universities participated in the course, marking the highest attendance in the history of AELC.
The A-P subject, titled "Reimagining Sustainability, Glocalization, and Education in the Asia-Pacific Region," was conducted between August 18 and 20. The three-day course began with an introduction to the basic concepts of sustainable development goals (SDGs) aimed at achieving balanced global development by 2030. It then explored the educational perspectives of the SDGs within the context of East Asia, including a visit to a local school and NGO in Higashimatsushima City. The course concluded with a focus on the achievements and challenges of education and SDGs in Japan, particularly addressing the multicultural living environment of Sendai City.
Following the A-P subject, the K-P subject was held from August 21 to August 23. This course provided a deep understanding of the human brain and cognition from the viewpoint of cognitive sciences of human communication. In this interdisciplinary course, the lectures weaved an integrated understanding of human nature from a broad range of topics such as brain science, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology. In the final part of the course, it examined research on using robots for autism therapy conducted by the lecturer.
The S-P subject took place on August 24, 26, and 27. This subject provided knowledge about help-seeking theories and mental health services, particularly emphasizing the progress and challenges of telepsychology. Through participating in the discussion, role-play, and presentation, this course provided students with skills in building a proposal to solve current mental health and educational issues.

Finally, the additional A-P subject was held between August 28 and 30. This subject addressed the needs and interests of students of international visions, in particular, those engaged in the study of education and social science departments. The course began by examining globalization’s philosophical and political bases and the need to promote citizenship. It then introduced the main theme of discourse on citizenship from the United Nations, major regional organizations, and countries worldwide.

Our sincere gratitude goes to the coordinators, lecturers, and student coordinators from AELC partner universities who kindly supported and contributed to this course! We also thank all the students for their active participation and contribution!
Look forward to the AEL 2025 Winter Course by Nanjing Normal University between January 12-21, 2025.