Asia Education Leader Forum 2024 Summer: Reimagining Sustainability, Glocalization and Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
On September 15, 2024, we were pleased to host the Asia Education Leader Forum 2024 (Summer) with the support and cooperation of AELC partner universities.
The invited external commentators included Dr. Chen Chen (Nanjing Normal University), Dr. Huimin Wang (Nanjing Normal University), Dr. Silvia Wen-Yu Lee (National Taiwan Normal University), Dr. Suyeong Shin (Korea University). They provided valuable comments and joined the discussion in the presentation sessions.
There were 28 presenters from Tohoku University, National Chengchi University, Nanjing Normal University, Korea University, and National Taiwan Normal University joined the forum, divided into six groups to make their presentations related to the theme of Reimagining Sustainability, Glocalization, and Education in the Asia-Pacific Region. The student presenters actively engaged in their presentations and discussions during the forum and received insightful and constructive comments and feedback from the commentators.
We hope this event could enhance academic communication and exchange among AELC students and faculty members.
We look forward to the next Asia Education Leader Forum in 2025.