Asia Education Leader 2022 Summer Course Pre-Study Series: Session 2
Today, in the 2nd session of Asia Education Leader 2022 Summer Course Pre-study Series, we were very pleased to invite Prof. Masahisa Sato, Professor of Faculty of Environmental Education, Tokyo City University to provide a lecture entitled "Education for Sustainable (ESD) for 2030: Lessons Learnt from UN Decade of ESD". 21 students from AELC partner universities joined today's session. After Prof. Sato's talk, students were divided into six groups to share their idea and insights on the topic of "How shall we promote ESD for a sustainable future in Asia". It was an inspiring event for all participants to enrich our understanding of the historical context, characteristics, and world views of ESD, and cultivate our awareness to contribute to achieving ESD.
Thank you very much for your participation!
We look forward to having you join the next session on July 29!