教員紹介劉 靖

- 所属講座
- 教育学
- 担当分野
- 人間形成論
- 専門領域
- 国際教育開発論
- 担当コース
- 学部/教育学
- 大学院/グローバル共生教育論
- 研究内容
Research on Framing a new social contract for an inclusive and equitable education for all
Contextualizing the challenges of educational inequality and the education for vulnerable groups in a specific social context within global society, I focus on the transition process and the diversity of educational reforms and policies to resolve these educational issues. My research themes include improving equity and quality in public education, mainly in Asian developing countries (especially China); education and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs4) in the post-2015 development agenda; school education in the SDG era; and internationalization of higher education and international educational development.- 授業科目(講義題目)
- 学部
- 海外教育演習(Education and Social Changes in East Asia: Understanding educational development in China)
- 教育学への招待(東北大学教育学部での学び)
- 国際教育開発論講義(Introduction to International Education and Development)
- 国際教育開発論演習(持続可能な世界のための教育と開発:必要な打開の道を求めて)
- 大学院
- エデュフェア・マインド(エデュフェア・マインド)
- グローバル共生教育論合同演習Ⅱ(グローバル共生教育論研究)
- 学校教育論研究演習Ⅰ(国際教育と開発への挑戦をめぐる実践と研究)
- 学校教育論研究演習Ⅱ(国際教育開発研究)
- グローバル共生教育論合同演習Ⅰ(持続可能な社会と教育)
- 国際教育開発論概論(International Education and Development: An Introduction)
- 国際教育開発論特論(Education and Development in an Asia-Pacific Context: A comparative perspective)
- 国際実践研究Ⅰ(Asia Education Leader Course (Summer))
- Edu-fare/fair Mind(English)(Edu-fare/fair Mind for a sustainable world)
- 国際教育論Ⅰ(Global and International Higher Education )
- 主な研究指導テーマ
- 教育不平等(特に移民・学校選択)
- 小規模学校
- 国境地域における学校教育
- 学校間協力による教育質の向上に関する取り組み
- SDGs時代における学校教育のあり方
- 移民と教育
- 新興国における教育援助
- 持続可能な開発のための高等教育の国際化
- 地方創生と大学の国際化
- 「グリーン・リテラシー」プロジェクト:グローカル共創・共習・共践
- Inequality in education (e.g., migration, school choice)
- Small scale schools
- School education in the cross-border areas
- School-to-school collaboration for educational quality improvement
- School education in the era of SDGs
- Migration and Education
- Educational cooperation in Emerging donors
- Internationalization of higher education for SDGs
- Local revitalization and internationalization of universities
- Glocal Co-Creation, Co-Learning, and Co-Practice for Green Literacy
- ESDを軸とした教科横断的なカリキュラム・マネジメントの推進 -高等学校の実践を中心に-
- 子ども食堂の実態と課題 -岩手県の事例に着目して-
- 中国都市部における少数民族社区教育の構築 -西安市学習巷社区のウォルズ講座の事例を通して-
- 日本の小学校における外国人保護者の学校参加 -中国人親のPTA活動に対する調査カラー
- 教師の同僚性を今一度問い直す -私立高等学校の教師へのインタビューを通して-
- 主要業績
Selected publications:
- Peddie, F., & Liu, J. (Eds.). (2021). Education and Migration in an Asian Context. Singapore: Springer. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. (2018). Inequality in Public School Admission in Urban China: Discourses, Practices and New Solutions. Singapore: Springer. (Peer reviewed)
Journal Papers:
- 劉靖・北村友人(2023)「中国の国境地域における「国門学校」の現状と課題─政策文書ならびに学術論文の分析にもとづく─」,『境界研究』No.13,pp.107-120。
- Liu, J., Kitamura, Y., & Savelyeva, T. (2022). Building an ‘Ecosystem’ for transforming higher education teaching and learning for sustainability. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23(4), 539-542.
- Liu, J., Watabe, Y., & Goto, T. (2022). Integrating sustainability themes for enhancing interdisciplinarity: a case study of a comprehensive research university in Japan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23(4), 695-710.
- 劉靖・郭佳佳・李詩景・温寧兮・王思寰(2022)「東北大学大学院教育学研究科におけるSDGs推進取り組みの現状と可能性:事例研究を通じて」, 『東北大学大学院教育学研究科先端教育研究実践センター年報』, 22, pp.7-21
- Liu, J. (2021). Building “Education Groups" as School Collaboration for Education Improvement: A case study of stakeholders' interaction in District A of Chengdu. Asia Pacific Education Review.
- 劉靖(2020)「中国の「農村小規模学校」における教育改善への取組み-湖北省の農村小規模小学校の「90後教員」の事例を中心に」,『東北大学大学院教育学研究科先端教育研究実践センター年報』, 20, pp.13-21。
- 米澤彰純・嶋内佐絵・劉靖(2019)「東アジアにおける「大学」概念の形成と変容」『教育学研究』86-2, pp.225-236。
- Liu, J. (2018). Constructing Resource Sharing Collaboration for Quality Public Education in Urban China: Case study of school alliance in Beijing, International Journal of Educational Development, 59. 9-19. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. (2016). School District Reform for “Free, Equitable and Quality” Public Education in Urban China: Achievements and Challenges, NORRAG News 54, 59-60. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. (2015). Understanding Inequality in Public School Admission in Urban China: Analysis of Public Discourses on Ze Xiao, Asian Education and Development Studies, 4 (4), 434-447. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. (2015). Mapping the Landscape of Financial Resources of China's Aid to Education and Human Resource Development, NORRAG News 52,136-137, (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J., & Jacob, W. J. (2013). From access to quality: migrant children’s education in urban China. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 12 (3), 177-191. (Peer reviewed)
Book Chapters:
- 北村友人、劉靖、芦田明美 (2023)「教育とSDGs-教育のあり方を問い直す」野田真里編, 2023, 『SDGsを問い直す-ポスト・ウィズ・コロナと人間の安全保障』法律文化社, pp.166-177。
- Yonezawa, A., Shimauchi, S., & Liu, J. (2023). Transformation of university missions?from nation-building to a focus on common global challenges reflections from East Asia, under the risk of being “lost in translation”. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition) (pp.21-28). Elsevier.
- Liu, J. (2022). Education Groups as a Chinese Way of School Collaboration for Education Improvement. In P. W. Armstrong & C. Brown (Eds.), School-to-School Collaboration: Learning Across International Contexts (pp. 61-75). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Kitamura, Y., Liu, J., & Hong, M. S. (2022). Education in East Asia: Changing School Education in China, Japan, and Korea. In C. C. Wolhuter & A. W. Wiseman (Eds.), World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives (Vol. 43A, pp. 149-168). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Liu, J. (2022). Neoliberal Trends of Higher Education Reforms in China, Japan, and Korea: Catch-Up and Self-Reorientation. In: Zajda, J., Jacob, W.J. (Eds.) Discourses of Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms. Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, vol 27. pp.133-147, Springer, Cham. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu. J. (2021). Japan. In. T. McCowan, et al. (Eds.) The Role of University and their Leaders facing the Grand Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainability, pp.83-91, The Global University Leaders Council.
- Liu, J. (2021). Building Educational Community for Left-Behind Children in Rural China: A Case Study of a Small Rural School in Hubei Province. In F. Peddie & J. Liu (Eds.), Education and Migration in an Asian Context, pp.15-40, Singapore: Springer. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. & Francis, P. (2021). Introduction: Education and Migration in the Asian Context. In F. Peddie & J. Liu (Eds.), Education and Migration in an Asian Context, pp.1-14, Singapore: Springer. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J., & Kitamura, Y. (2019). The Role of Universities in Promoting Sustainability in Asia. In Z. Zhong, H. Coates, & J. Shi (Eds.), Innovations in Asian Higher Education (pp. 84-96). London: Taylor & Francis Group. (Peer reviewed)
- Liu, J. (2019). Teachers' Development: Construction of Educational Community in Liangjiachuan Primary School, Hubei Province, in Han, J. (Ed.) Small Is Beautiful: Stories of Dynamic Changes in Small Schools in Rural China. (pp. 199-219). Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House (China). (Peer reviewed) (In Chinese)
- Liu, J. (2019) Development of Elite School Groups in the Context of Urban and Rural Education Integration: A Case Study on Qingyang District in Chengdu, in Yang, D. (Ed.) Annual Report on China’s Education (2019). pp. 204-219, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China). (Peer reviewed) (In Chinese)