We are pleased to announce the 2nd Session of TU-EDU-Talks 2024 will be held on May 24, 2024.
For details, please find the following information. All are welcome to join us!
Topic: Teacher Education for Future Education
Speaker: Mr. Robert Parua (Programme Specialist for Education, UNESCO Beijing)
Zoom URL:
Meeting ID: 872 7160 4110
Passcode: 483415
Meeting ID: 872 7160 4110
Passcode: 483415
About this seminar:
In this session, Mr. Parua will introduce the overview of the Global report on teachers: addressing teacher shortages and transforming the profession. Then participants will be invited to join discussion and exchange with the speakers regarding how to support teachers within resilient education systems for a collaborative, innovative, and cohesive teaching profession.
Please contact International Research and Exchange Office (sed-ie@grp.tohoku.ac.jp) of Graduate School of Education for any inquiries.