2024年8月26日 台湾師範大学教育学院院長のProf. Hsiulan Tienが本研究科を訪問しました。

訪問中、Prof. Tienは本研究科で開催されたAEL 2024夏コースを見学し、日本人学生と留学生たちと一緒に松島にて文化交流を行いました。また、教育・研究活動について、Prof. Tienは臨床心理学コースの前田駿太准教授と梅田亜友美助教との交流会も行いました。

On August 26, 2024, Prof. Hsiulan Tien, Dean of the College of Education, Taiwan Normal University, visited our Graduate School.
During the discussion meeting with the Dean Prof. Kozima and Associate Professor Liu, they reviewed the past exchange achievements between the two institutions and discussed future cooperation and academic and student exchange.
During the discussion meeting with the Dean Prof. Kozima and Associate Professor Liu, they reviewed the past exchange achievements between the two institutions and discussed future cooperation and academic and student exchange.
During his visit, Prof. Tien observed the AEL 2024 Summer Course held at the Graduate School and joined Japanese and international students for a cultural exchange in Matsushima. Prof. Tien also had an exchange meeting with Associate Professor Shunta Maeda and Assistant Professor Ayumi Umeda of the Clinical Psychology course regarding education and research activities.
This visit has deepened mutual understanding and communication between the College of Education of Taiwan Normal University and the Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University. We look forward to future cooperation!