2024年8月27日 韓国高麗大学校師範大学教育学部のProf. Sangmin LeeとProf. Pey-Yan Liouが本研究を訪問しました。小嶋研究科長、劉准教授との意見交換会では、両機関のこれまでの交流実績を振り返り、今後国際交流協力体制や学術・学生交流の強化について話し合いました。
訪問中、Prof. Sangmin Leeは開催中のAEL2024夏コースのS-P科目の授業にも参加され、本学の教員とAELC参加学生との交流も行いました。
August 27, 2024 Prof. Sangmin Lee and Prof. Pey-Yan Liou, Department of Education, Korea University Normal College, Korea, visited our institute. During the discussion meeting with Dean Kojima and Associate Professor Liu, they reviewed the past exchange achievements of the two institutions and discussed the future enhancement of international exchange cooperation system and academic and student exchange.
During the visit, Prof. Sangmin Lee also participated in the S-P course of the ongoing AEL2024 summer course, and had a chance to interact with faculty members of the university and students participating in the AELC.
This visit has deepened mutual understanding and communication between the College of Education at Korea University Normal University and the Graduate School of Education at Tohoku University. We look forward to future cooperation!
This visit has deepened mutual understanding and communication between the College of Education at Korea University Normal University and the Graduate School of Education at Tohoku University. We look forward to future cooperation!