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News & Topics 11月27日(土)に令和3年度国際学術ウェビナーシリーズ第2回「Higher Education for Sustainability Innovating University Teaching and Learning in Asia」(英日同時通訳付)を開催します。

11月27日(土)に令和3年度国際学術ウェビナーシリーズ第2回「Higher Education for Sustainability Innovating University Teaching and Learning in Asia」(英日同時通訳付)を開催します。



Webinar Series 2021 (日英同時通訳付)

 Higher Education for Sustainability

Innovating University Teaching and Learning in Asia


November 27, 2021, 18:00-20:30 (Japan Standard Time)

                                                           Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan


Higher Education for Sustainability (HES) has been gaining increased attention since the full adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Higher education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region show their commitment to and active engagement in the SDGs by occupying over one-third of the top positions in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2020.

Although a vast amount of research in the Asia-Pacific region covers the topic of higher education, studies unveiling the transformation of HES remain dispersed and scarce. How have Asia-Pacific higher education institutions responded to challenges outlined in the SDGs? In what ways do Asia-Pacific universities transform their structures and practices of teaching and learning? How have higher education institutions addressed demands for sustainability under social, economic, cultural, and environmental pressures? This webinar provides five case studies promoting sustainability in higher education institutions in Japan, China, and Malaysia.



  • Dr. Toru Kawai

       College of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University

  • Dr. Zhou Zhong

       Institute of Education, Tsinghua University

  • Dr. Chang Da Wan

       National Higher Education Research Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • Dr. Yuki Watabe

       Global Learning Center, Tohoku University

  • Dr. Taketoshi Goto

      Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University


  • Dr. Tristan Mccowan

        UCL Institute of Education, University College London